An approach towards decreasing overpotential, increasing stability and optimizing the noble metal composition of electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction in acidic medium. essential ingredients of this approach involve: 1) blending active (unstable ru) component with dopant (zn) activated passive (stable ti) element, 2) blending of these elements by co-electrodeposition in acidic environment wherein the dissolution of the unstable components (excess ru) promotes roughness, 3) the roughness of the resultant electrode is further increased due to 'chemical inhomogeneity' via ti incorporation and 'structural inhomogeneity' via zn incorporation in ruo2. the composition of electrode with maximum activity is ru0.258ti0.736zn0.006ox and its activity is four times higher than ruo2. the electrochemical stability towards oer is found to be in order of rutizn > ruti > ruzn > ru. this design strategy provides a facile method to improve activity without compromising stability.
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