Growth Factor Free Strategy For Therapeutic Neo-vascularization
Project Description :

Endothelial progenitor cells (epcs), subset of circulating mononuclear cells are currently being studied as candidate cell sources for revascularization strategies. increasing the number and/or improving the function of epcs may be promising in the treatment of atherosclerotic disease, ischemia or heart failure. current therapies for neo-vascularization are based on administration of growth factors and nitric oxide donors. administration of no-donors has been promising but failed to promote neo-vascularization particularly in elderly and diabetic patients. several clinical studies using growth factors have failed in phase ii which successfully passed phase i, either due to their short half lives or due to their harmful side effects. studies have shown that application of fluid shear stress induces the differentiation of mononuclear cells to endothelial cells. shear stress also enhances capillary blood flow and modulates the function and expression profile of angiogenic genes. however, the effect of shear stress on the circulating mononuclear cells is not well characterized. hence, to study the effect of shear stress on the angiogenic potential of circulating mononuclear cells, we have developed a cone plate based instrument assembly. so our strategy focuses on to enhance the angiogenic potential of mononuclear cells through ex-vivo preconditioning via application of shear stress.

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Project Details :
  • Date : Oct 31,2018
  • Innovator : SHIVAM CHANDEL
  • Team Members : Shivam Chandel,Abel Arul Nathan
  • Guide Name : Dr. Madhulika Dixit
  • Submission Year : 2019
  • Category : Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
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